About my Hair

Dec 5, 2013

(Blogmas Day 4)
I had originally scheduled another post for today, but I could not remember where I placed my camera and I needed to post due to Blogmas! So here is a totally impromtu post!
Ever since I was young, I had quite long hair, always growing it out and almost never having it cut super short. I've only ever had my hair cut shoulder length once and never again. So I guess you could say I'm quite used to my long hair.

Model Pose?!??!?

As you can see from these pictures, my hair is quite long, but it doesn't look shiny or silky. Which is one of my deepest sadnesses. I've never had glossy, sleek and shiny hair like most of my friend's hairs.
My hair is quite dry, oily at the scalp, and quite airy. 
I usually trim it every 3-4 months to try and keep the ends healthy (although they aren't healthy at all for some reason...) and do a hair treatment every two weeks.
I will be writing a more detailed 'haircare' routine soon, so stay tuned for that!

What type of hair is your hair?

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