Tassie Holiday | Day 1

Apr 29, 2014

So as you all know I have been away from my laptop for about a week, as I was on holidays in Tasmania! I live in Sydney and I've been to Melbourne, Brisbane and Cairns, so my parents decided to go to Tasmania during the last week of the school holidays.
I will be doing my Tassie Holiday series according to the days; I was there for 4 days, so there will be 4 parts!
I'm soo glad to be back home finally, although the hotel stays were quite nice.
So on Tuesday Morning I woke up at 4:30am, ready to catch the 6:30am flight. As it was a domestic flight, I didn't have to get to the airport as early as an international flight. Drowsy eyed, I clambered into the taxi clumsily dressed haha.
I arrived at Hobart at 8:30am and after picking up a rental car, we drove straight to Port Arthur.

Port Arthur is something that many people may not know about. It was a former convict settlement. I'll leave you to research about that as it would take aages to explain it all!

We then left and proceeded our trip and had a quick stop at Mt Nelson.

After that, we went to our hotel!

I hope you enjoyed Day 1 of my Tassie Holiday and please stay tuned for more!!!!

Pearl, xx

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