Tassie Holiday | Day 2

May 12, 2014

Aahhhh so I'm back with another Tassie Holiday for you! I hope you guys like these types of lifestyle posts! So on Wednesday morning, my family and I woke up bright eyed at this wonderful view from our hotel room....And then we turned the TV on to watch Nickelodeon duh!
After grabbing a quick breakfast we started walking to the Ferry port which was literally 5 minutes from our hotel.

afoiejo this view <3

The place where we had to buy our MONA Tickets from

lol blurred my sisters face out: privacy purposes

UNFORTUNATELY, I cannot post any photos of the MONA Art Gallery Exhibitons! SO YOU WILL HAVE TO GO SEE THAT FOR YOURSELF. (I must say, it was pretty interesting! I loveed it!)
I hope you enjoyed this post!
Pearl, xx

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