Goals: June

Jun 3, 2014

May has been a hard month. Not only have I had numerous half-yearly examinations, it has been quite a bore waiting for my birthday month! (Yes, I was born 29th June! WINTER BABY)

Goals for May:
-Keep a strict skincare regime (AND STOP PICKING AT FACE)
this has gone quite well; my skin seems to be getting better and definitely has a lot less acne! It still has scars though...
-Try to study better; less internet time!
I'm afraid to say this has not worked that much, but I got a pretty good mark for my Maths exam so it must have worked to some extent.
-Reply to all  blog comments
I have replied to all blog comments that are reply-able. If I do not understand a comment or it is automated, i will not reply! (how do I reply to that?)

Goals for June:
-Keep on going with working out daily!
I have recently started a blogilates beginner's calender and it has been so far so good! I'm now on my 3rd week and to be honest, I never thought I'd get this far! After I finish the calender I will continue onto my June Calender! (keep an eye on my fitness finesse posts!)
-minimise expenditure on food
I think I spend waaaay too much money on food; especially food that I don't need! I don't even feel hungry half the time, it's just cause it looks good and I want to eat it! (anybody else feel that way?)
-drink more water
this is something I always evade or forget about. I just seriously cannot be bothered to get a drink bottle out and drink out of it (I'm so lazy I know). But I NEED to drink more water; it's good for both my body and my skin.

I'll keep you updated with how my goals have went next month!
(and don't worry a proper post with my own photos is coming soon, i just haven't got around to it yet!)

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