Magazine Battle | ELLE vs Harper's Bazaar

Jun 11, 2014

My love for magazines goes back a long way- in Primary School I used to read Total Girl and Little Angel, from Year 7 to Year 9 I read Girlfriend and Dolly. But now I've matured and sophisticated just a tiny bit more, (and also due to my undying love for Fashion and Designers) so I've started to read the likes of ELLE, Vogue and Harper's Bazaar. But when I was buying my magazine for the first time, I was confused as to which one to buy! There were so many to choose from the same type of 'category'. I just winged it and chose a random one haha! But for all of you out there who want to start reading any magazine, I've compiled a handy set of blog posts that'll definitely aid you in making a decision. (or you can just buy all of them!)

So today I'm going to 'review' ELLE and Harper's Bazaar! Keep on reading!


ELLE May 2014 RRP $8.50 AUD and $9.20 NZD

Cover: Rose Byrne
Main topics: 
-'Why Hollywood's fallen in love with Rose Byrne'
-The Success Myth: What you really need to be happier
-The party girl's diet: It's easy, It works, It allows bubbles and burgers
-How to wear the new denim shapes
-Flawless Skin Without Foundation 

When you open the magazine, there are about 3 double-spread editorials (BonBon Viktor and Rolf, Chanel Coco Mademoiselle and Dior Addict Fluid Stick). I think this is a pretty good number, as some people like the editorials, and other's don't. 3 is right in the middle. (Although I do love editorials! So fancy!)
And then on the 8th page, there is the first contents page.
On the first contents page, it's separated into 5 different 'sectors': On the Cover, Radar (Fashion, Music, Film, Culture, Books, Streetstyle), Fashion, Shopping and Features (the articles). There is then a single-spread editorial, and then the second contents page comes in.

On the second contents page, it's split into 3 different categories: Beauty, Lifestyle and Every Issue (eg. Editor's Letter, Contributors, Horoscopes etc.). And then there are 2 single-spread editorials, one double spread, the Contributors, and it gets straight into the good stuff. 
There are a few editorials in each section, but not too many. 
There are seven articles in the May edition of ELLE which is a great number since different people like different things. For example, I like looking at Editorials and the Articles, whereas some people might just like to read the articles or some people might like just the editorials. It's based on each person's characteristics, and a fashion magazine has to fit to appeal to all different types of people. 

Harper's Bazaar

Harper's Bazaar Australia May 2014 RRP $8.50 AUD

Cover: Naomi Watts
Main topics:
-Female Force: Cate Blanchett, Rose Byrne, Gwyneth Paltrow, Lupita Nyong'O
-The Luxury Issue: Investment Pieces, Statement Jewels and Beauty's new gold statement.
-Naomi Watts: "With risk there's every chance we'll fall."

After you open the magazine, there are 8 double-spread editorials (BMW, Estée Lauder, Louis Vuitton, Chanel Coco Mademoiselle, Cartier, Chanel, Bvlgari, and Longines) and then there is the Editor's Letter followed by two more editorials (one single and one double) till the Contents Page.
 Editor's Letter (Kellie Hush)
Harper's Bazaar Contents Page 1

Harper's Bazaar Contents Page 2

There is another 2 editorials (One single and one double spread) in between the two contents page. There are eleven little 'sections' in the contents pages: Fashion & Features, The A-List, Viewpoint, Style, The Bazaar, The Buzz, Beauty, Culture, A fashionable life, Escape and Regulars.

Similar to ELLE, there are a few editorials between each little part of each section' (eg. There are 3 parts in The Buzz). There are a few interviews and around 10 articles. I would say that Harper's Bazaar is a more 'luxurious' magazine, with a lot of editorials and articles. I'd say that Harper's Bazaar may appeal to both readers and people who like to look at editorials. It's pretty mix and match.

I actually have no idea which I prefer most- I'd say Harper's Bazaar had articles of a higher reading level(?) whilst maintaining the chic-ness of a magazine with a lot of editorials and ideas for fashion and beauty. Both these magazines have the same kind of content, except with different levels of reading- so if you like reading more challenging pieces; try Harper's Bazaar and vice versa. Although, this could just be for this issue.

I really really hope you enjoyed this post! I started writing this post a few weeks ago, but it took me a long time to finish it off! Well, I finally did it and I hope the outcome was good!
Stay tuned- I have an interview for you next time xx


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