Blogging Basics | For Beginners

Jul 22, 2014

Image: Weheartit (edited by me) // [Source]
Okay; I know that I'm still considered as a 'beginner' in blogging, but let me tell you, I have come a long way since I have started. When I signed up on the 22nd October 2013, I had absolutely no idea where to start. Was I going to be a fashion blog? A beauty blog? A magazine-type blog? I was absolutely clueless. To be honest, I had no real 'vision' when I was starting my blog; it was merely looking through blogs (especially Zoella's) and thinking "Hey, I could do this!" . But if there are any of you reading this who genuinely want to start a blog, and stick to it, I beg you, please read on and research before you start!

Blog name
This is definitely something I was stuck on for quite a while, and I have only found my 'perfect name' now! I started out with Pearluxe, and then I realised there was a company with that name! I figured that that would leave copyright and SEO issues so I decided to change it to Simply Beaut. I was very unhappy with that name for quite a while, and then one day I was just like "hey why don't I take the 'u' out?" and here I am! 
I think with naming your blog you just have to be really creative and think of names that suit you and represent you. For example, you might think of your favourite things and put them together. Also, make sure that the name hasn't already been taken and is kid-friendly.

For the platform, I think it's best to test out a few platforms before 'officially' starting your blog. Just play around with the settings and layout, and choose whatever is the easiest, or most customisable. Most people tend to go for either Wordpress or Blogger. 

Layout and Design
Oh. my. god. This is probably the most stressful part of having a blog! (Other than the posts of course). Before I started this blog I had tumblr, and the thing about tumblr is that you can find heaps of good themes for free! Unfortunately, Blogger themes cost quite a lot, the good ones being more than $50!! Now, since I'm still in high school, a good custom made theme is out of the question for me, so I had to look up heaps of things to be able to get my blog to where I wanted it. I still do my themes on my own, so if you need help, feel free to email me! 
I mostly used xomisse to get all my blog stuff from, it's super helpful and has almost everything. 

For a blog design, I think it's really important to have a super clean theme, you don't want the backgrounds and things to distract the reader.For the body font, have a normal, non-cursive font, so that it's easier to read (eg. Arial, Calibri). It would also help to have an About page, or a photo and description of you in the side, just so that we know whose blog we're reading and a bit about what they're like. 
You might also want to think about colour schemes, and having all your sidebar image headers and stuff in the same colour as the others, just so that it looks better.
I also think it's useful to have blog categories; and tag your posts with the category. It makes it much easier for the reader to find the post they're looking for, or more of a certain type of post.

Social Media
Social media is really important for blogging, as it can attract a lot of readers. In my opinion, twitter is the most important social media site, you can attract readers to your blog through hashtags and blogger chat hashtags. (eg. #bbloggers, #fblbloggers, #lbloggers, #tbloggers)
Social media can also connect you with other bloggers around the world, giving you a chance to look at their blog for post ideas, or exciting collabs!
Another important social media site is Bloglovin'. It's a way to follow your fave blogs and get followers. GFC can be hard to get followers on, I admit, so Bloglovin' is a great way to display your blog posts and get followers.

Content is definitely a major factor in blogging. You have to find a way to write your blog posts, and come up with your own style! Make it seem like you're talking to your best friends and treat your readers like your equals. Although you have to make it seem like you're talking to your friends, don't use too much text language! That's definitely a no-no. Also, make your grammar and spelling impeccable. This will enable future PR Complanies on your blog to believe that you are a professional blog. Always remember to spell check and edit.
Also, don't worry too much about how often you post! Just make sure that you don't fall off the blogging chain without prior notice! It can make it seem like you've stopped blogging and are never coming back. If you're taking some time off, let your readers know.
REMEMBER: Quality over quantity!

Photography is another major factor. (A lot of major factors, I know.) Photography can make your blog, or break your blog. (Sorry for the harsh words!)
For example, a great post with dull, blurry photos will not attract as many readers as a post with light, focused and artistic photos. But that doesn't mean you have to have a fancy-nancy DSLR Camera! Taking pictures with your iPhone, Smart Phone or Compact Digital Camera can still look amazing! I've read heaps of blog posts where the authors had taken pictures with their iPhones, and it still looked great.
Always try to use your own images; that shows that you have skill, have a good work-ethic and aren't lazy! Always using images from Google makes your blog look slightly sketchy and definitely doesn't show your own personal style. The only time I use images from Google is when I'm doing a celeb-inspired look or an Inspiration post or a wishlist. For wishlists though, I tend to use Polyvore.
I always try to take my photos against a window, in the morning or afternoon. Morning-light photos ca make the photo look a lot brighter. However, I don't think you should ever take photos (of products) at night.
Background can also make or break your photo. A photo with a nice, clutter-free background will look so much better than a photo with a cluttered background. I usually take my photos on a white background (my table to be exact), a wooden table with a white wall at the back, or my bedsheets.

Before I used to be quite un-organised with my blog and my posts. I'd just snap pictures as it came to mind, sat down and write a spur-of-the-moment post. However, I've been trying to be more organised with my blog, writing down ideas that come to mind in a notebook and having days for when I'm going to write the post, and schedule the post to go up on a certain day.
I reccomend keeping a notebook full of post ideas and dates where you're going to post. It actually does help a lot!

I hope you enjoyed this post, and that it wasn't too long!


  1. I'm a newbie and struggling in how to get my blog together so thank you for these amazing tips ! x

    1. You're welcome! I'm glad it came in handy :)


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